However, no such requirement for NFPA 13. In addition to the critical area of EN12845 power, power must be held account for the most favorable terms.Dry -pipe systems, the EN12845 value defining a separate area of operation, NFPA13 wet pipe sprinkler system increased by 30% from the value of the account would like to apply the operational area.Fast-acting sprinkler hydraulic calculation criteria on the use of EN12845 despite the lack of change in the height of NFPA 13, Referancing quick response sprinkler protected, depending on the correction curve for the reduction of up to 40 % of the area of operation is located.sprinkler hydraulic design criteria, however, be determined according to NFPA13. Storage areas, there is scope for the specific sprinkler types EN 12845, ESFR, coarse droplets, Control Mode warehouse -type and so on.A need for large hydraulic flow to the sprinkler 4, the minimum area of operations 4.1 ( mm / min) should ensure that the design density. NFPA 13 ' NFPA13 Article, there is shown the operation area of residential sprinkler calculations made by selecting the area where the sprinkler 4 should be a need for a great power. For this reason, the current values in the following table where residential sprinklers can not be used. EN12845 residential sprinklers are not covered.Evaluation is made in terms of hydraulic calculations are itemized below are the major differences between the two standards. Hydraulic Design Criteria The purpose of a sprinkler system, power calculation method, the system for the transfer of sufficient water and the pressure needed to determine the pipe diameter. Medium Hazard Group 3 Medium Hazard Group 2 Table 1 Comparison of Hazard Classes Major differences between the two standardpn hazard classes set given in Table 1. This is a direct effect on the fire pumps and water storage capacity is the most important factor in increasing infrastructure costs. However, when compared with the standard of NFPA 13, the same between the two standards for areas where significant differences observed. EN 12845 standard is exactly the same as a fire hazard classes of the Regulation.

Design criteria for determining the hazard class is primarily determined by Referancing protected. The most important criteria for the design of the sprinkler system, the design density and area of operation.

COMPARISON OF STANDARDS NFPA 13 and EN 12845 Hazard Classification of Building Sprinkler systems to control and to extinguish the fire, the intensity of a predetermined minimum application temperature of the protected area is designed to discharge.